What is COM ?
Computer Output Microfilm (COM) refers to a process characterized by copying/printing data from media located on a personal computers, mini or mainframe computers onto a microfilm. It comprises a high speed recorder , which transfers digital data onto a microfilm once exposed to the light source .
A computer output microfilm device translates normally held in magnetic tape into miniature images on a microfilm (also called microfiche-‘fiche’ pronounced as ‘fish’). The device displays information as characters on a CRT screen and then using photographic methods, records, the display onto the film. Drawing and images can also be displayed along with narrative text.
A special reader/printer can be subsequently used to view the processed film. The reader operates on a ‘back projection’ principle displaying one frame at a time on a translucent screen , typically about A4 size . the printer can then be used selectively to produce a hard copy of what is presented on screen.
What is COM ?
Reviewed by Sky Bro
2:42 AM

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