What is RAM ?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Ram is a type of primary memory. It is a random access memory. It is a volatile memory which means when your computer is switched off or turn off then the data stored in RAM is lost. We can read and write both operation in RAM. RAM chip is made of MOS ( Metal oxide semi-conductor ). It is used to store user program and data so it is also known as user memory . Memory location in RAM can be directly access and used access time  for any location in RAM is same.

There are two types of RAM

               SRAM stands for static random access memory . It is made up of a flip flop. Each flip flop is constructed using few transistor . all instruction are stored in flip flop in the form of 0 and 1. No refreshing circuit is required in static RAM. It is faster than the DRAM.  It is      closest to the processor . it is very costly and high power. 

2.  DRAM
            DRAM stands for dynamic random access memory. It is made up of tiny capacitor . instructions are stored in the form of charge. Refreshing circuit is required for preventing from data loose. It is slower than the SRAM. It is slower than the SRAM. It is less closer than the processor as compare to SRAM. It is cheaper and low power.

What is RAM ? What is RAM ? Reviewed by Sky Bro on 2:27 AM Rating: 5

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